Program Info
- Program established: 2006
- Staff: 45 (21 Community Based Facilitators)
- Regions: Acholi, Lango, Karamoja, Elgon, and Teso
- Sub-Regional Field Offices: Moroto District (Karamoja Learning Community) and Gulu District (Northern Uganda)
- Core Program Areas:
- Education for Marginalized Communities
- Food Security and Resilient Livelihoods
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
- Global Learning and Partnership Building
Office Info
Country Director – Pamela B. Nyamutoka Katooro
Plot 6, Charles Lwanga Road, Ministers Village, Ntinda.
P.O. Box 35536
Kampala, Uganda
Phone: + 256 414 664 495, +256 754 286331
Challenges and Opportunities
Uganda is an East African country with an estimated population of 38.4 million (51% female) and a 4.6 percent annual growth rate.16.6% of the Ugandan population is between the ages of 15-24. Out of an estimated 16.8 million children, 7.5 million live in poverty. IIRR in Uganda has made a strategic decision to develop learning communities to support poverty reduction efforts, particularly in Northern Uganda and Karamoja. Northern Uganda, which was the epicenter of armed conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) for almost 20 years, is still lagging behind in development indicators. The larger region is now at peace and is beginning to recover thanks to NGOs and the extensive efforts by the Ugandan government to aid reconstruction. Karamoja, a pastoralist region in North East Uganda also suffered conflict for several years and still grapples with challenges related to climate change. The province has the lowest education enrollment and completion rates in the country. Only 2.3% of girls and 2.8% of boys in Karamoja enroll in school. Food insecurity primarily caused by unpredictable climate patterns affect the production and productivity of smallholder farmers, making it even more difficult for women and youth to complete educational programs. (UNICEF, FAO).
How IIRR Helps:
- Agricultural commercialization and market support that works with farmer groups and producer organizations through schools, value addition seminars,and business development.
- Environmental management mainstreaming, including watershed management planning and implementation.
- Building youth leadership and agency through innovative leadership development models.
- Increasing access to financial services for the rural poor, including facilitating business development skills and strengthening savings and loan associations.
- Working with special-needs children, and especially girls, with learning or physical differences.
Government of Uganda Partnerships
- Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries,
- Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development
- Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
- Ministry of Water and Environment
UN & Multi-Lateral Agencies
- UN Food and Agriculture Organization
- UN World Food Program
- UN Women
- UN Habitat
- Ford Foundation
Collaborating NGO and INGOs
- International Fertilizer Development Centre
- Action Aid Uganda
- Caritas Gulu
- Heifer International
- Send a Cow Uganda
- Aridland Development Program
- Plan International
Private Sector Partners
- Acholi Private Sector
- Centenary Bank
- Equity Bank
- DFCU Bank
- Airtel Uganda
Important Facts and Figures
(2014 to 2018)
- 26,000 Farmers (18,200 female) have been trained in improved Agricultural production, leading to a surge in household income and food security. 30% of the farmers are youths.
- 3,000 Farmers in Karamoja region are actively practicing improved post-harvest crop management through IIRR’s Agriculture and Market Support component; accelerating transformation from subsistence agriculture to commercial production, for improved household incomes.
- 1,560 Farmers secured their land rights through IIRR’s integrated land tenure and food security program.
- 10,440 Women were equipped with skills in Enterprise development, Business Management and Product Value Addition, linked to Credit institutions and markets; boosted women financial inclusion, economic empowerment and incomes.
- 9,099 Children (4,656 female) were enrolled in IIRR supported schools in Pastoralist Karamoja region and are acquiring education. 143 girls benefited in the Goats for Girls Education support program.
- 187 Children with Special needs have been supported to enroll in school. IIRR installed 2 computers with Job Access with Speech (JAWS) to facilitate learning for the visually impaired children.
- 165 teachers (55 females) have been trained in innovative teaching and assessment methodologies. Teachers’ participation in the learning environment increased from 67% in 2014 to 84% in 2017, leading to improved learning outcomes.
- 33,000 Youths participated in IIRR youth leadership development program which built their capacity in Entrepreneurship, Community Service and are agents for social justice.
Uganda Team

Daniel Ogwang

Program Director

Pamela B. Nyamutoka Katooro

Country Director

Bwire George Wycliffe

M&E Manager

Denis Daniel Obua

Project Manager - Financial Inclusion for Rural Areas

Hakiigaba Jussy

Project Officer -Youth Empowerment

Jimmy Ayuli Okori

Project Officer for Financial Inclusion

Peter Okot Byron

Project Manager - Agricultural Support

Rose N. Mugabe

Project Officer - Communication & Documentation

Andrew Kasule


Ojok Samuel